Alabama A&M News
November 2011
AAMU Student Actors Produce Film for State Courts
A film project featuring student performers from an Alabama A&M University Acting I class is now being used by Alabama's state courts.
Three student actors were cast in an Alabama Administrative Office of Courts video produced by Fantastic Plastic Entertainment, Inc. The Alabama Administrative Office of Courts governs all aspects of the courts in the state of Alabama.
Mychal McAdoo, Monique Miller and Janette Smith were the student performers. Smith is a graduating senior and serves as narrator for the project. The video, set for state-wide distribution, deals with parents trying to get along and allow visitation for the good of their child, according to Dr. Susan C. Brown, professor of communication arts in the Department of Visual, Performing, and Communication Arts of AAMU's College of Education, Humanities, and Behavioral Sciences.
Brown says the Alabama Office of Courts' Access and Visitation Subcommittee wanted a video story for young parents to watch while waiting for family court hearings in courthouses across Alabama. The video will also play in all offices of the Alabama Department of Human Resources.
"When parents prevent their children from spending time with the father or mother, many troubles develop," comments Brown. "It starts with child support problems and spreads into poor performance in the classroom and sometimes even criminal behavior."
Thus, the powerful performances from AAMU acting students McAdoo and Miller are meant "to make people pay attention to the serious consequences that often occur when parents hijack visitation rights," says Brown.
Britney Williams, another Acting I student, who has recently been accepted into the prestigious New York Film Academy for advanced study, served as a member of the video's production crew. This professional opportunity was a direct outgrowth of an audition/workshop in the acting class taught by Dr. Brown. For additional information, contact Dr. Brown at (256) 372-4085.
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