New Course Designed to Improve Students' Writing and Help Them Cope With Stress

Sandra Phoenix
Thu, Feb 3, 2022 1:52 PM

Bowie State University News
February 2, 2022

New Course Designed to Improve Students' Writing and Help Them Cope With Stress

Students interested in shedding light on  the issues of  health challenges and disabilities now have the opportunity this semester to take a new course at Bowie State University, Writing About Disability and Health, and to partner with the Black Mental Health Alliance in Baltimore for a service-learning project to support individuals in the community.

Students taking the class have the opportunity to create resources for HBCU students with mental health challenges and gain valuable experience working with mental health professionals while enhancing their writing skills. Working with the alliance will also enable faculty to learn strategies to support students coping with stress.

Dr. Kim Evelyn, assistant professor in the Department of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, says the course, English 266, will enable students to strengthen their skills in narration and storytelling, information literacy, college-level and professional writing, critical thinking, and cultural criticism.

"Each time the course is taught, the class will collaborate with disability advocacy and/or health organizations or offices," said Dr. Evelyn. "Given the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it made sense for the inaugural section of the course to partner with an organization like Black Mental Health Alliance, a non-profit that works with educators, mental health professionals, and communities. The Alliance, for decades, has partnered with various organizations to offer workshops, forums, and other initiatives to help improve the mental wellness of the Black community in Baltimore," she said.

As an extension of the collaboration with Black Mental Health Alliance, an online event titled "It's Cocoon Time with Dr. Bruce Purnell: Educators Supporting HBCU Students' Mental Wellness" will be held via Zoom at 1 pm on Friday, February 18. Dr. Purnell, a 1994 Bowie State graduate, is a psychologist, author, and the Founder and Executive Director of a community-based non-profit organization called The Love More Movement.

"Mental health issues are associated with lower GPAs and a higher probability of students dropping out of college," said Dr. Evelyn. "Although educators may feel ill-equipped to support students with mental health concerns, providing support can be very helpful. When we teach, we are teaching the whole person and as educators we are in a unique position to help our students cope with the stress of academic and professional challenges in a time of uncertainty and grief," she said.

Sandra M. Phoenix, Executive Director
HBCU Library Alliance
678-210-5801 (office)
404-702-5854 (cell)
Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come.

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Bowie State University News February 2, 2022 New Course Designed to Improve Students' Writing and Help Them Cope With Stress Students interested in shedding light on the issues of health challenges and disabilities now have the opportunity this semester to take a new course at Bowie State University, Writing About Disability and Health, and to partner with the Black Mental Health Alliance in Baltimore for a service-learning project to support individuals in the community. Students taking the class have the opportunity to create resources for HBCU students with mental health challenges and gain valuable experience working with mental health professionals while enhancing their writing skills. Working with the alliance will also enable faculty to learn strategies to support students coping with stress. Dr. Kim Evelyn, assistant professor in the Department of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, says the course, English 266, will enable students to strengthen their skills in narration and storytelling, information literacy, college-level and professional writing, critical thinking, and cultural criticism. "Each time the course is taught, the class will collaborate with disability advocacy and/or health organizations or offices," said Dr. Evelyn. "Given the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it made sense for the inaugural section of the course to partner with an organization like Black Mental Health Alliance, a non-profit that works with educators, mental health professionals, and communities. The Alliance, for decades, has partnered with various organizations to offer workshops, forums, and other initiatives to help improve the mental wellness of the Black community in Baltimore," she said. As an extension of the collaboration with Black Mental Health Alliance, an online event titled "It's Cocoon Time with Dr. Bruce Purnell: Educators Supporting HBCU Students' Mental Wellness" will be held via Zoom at 1 pm on Friday, February 18. Dr. Purnell, a 1994 Bowie State graduate, is a psychologist, author, and the Founder and Executive Director of a community-based non-profit organization called The Love More Movement. "Mental health issues are associated with lower GPAs and a higher probability of students dropping out of college," said Dr. Evelyn. "Although educators may feel ill-equipped to support students with mental health concerns, providing support can be very helpful. When we teach, we are teaching the whole person and as educators we are in a unique position to help our students cope with the stress of academic and professional challenges in a time of uncertainty and grief," she said. Sandra M. Phoenix, Executive Director HBCU Library Alliance 678-210-5801 (office) 404-702-5854 (cell)<><> Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come. Follow us on Facebook at and Twitter at Check out "PULSE!" The HBCU Library Alliance's News Source! -