Board Meeting Highlights and Updates

Sandra Phoenix
Thu, Feb 16, 2023 2:19 PM

Greetings Colleagues,

I trust you're well and practicing self-care. See Board highlights and updates below.

The Board of Directors met on Tuesday, December 6th.

HBCU Library Alliance Membership Business Meeting
The Board discussed a meeting of HBCU Library Alliance members focused specifically on the business and operations of the organization. A meeting will be scheduled this summer.

Update: Hampton University is the host site for the meeting. Thanks to Tina Rollins for welcoming the HBCU Library Alliance to Hampton. To enable greater participation, there will not be a registration fee for the meeting. Member input will inform agenda items and discussion topics. The meeting format will be two-half-days, with one night of hotel lodging. Stay tuned for more information.

New Board Appointment
Melissa Tedone, Lab Head for Library Materials Conservation, Affiliated Associate Professor Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library (DE) was welcomed as an appointed Board Member. Melissa is Project PI for the HBCU Library Alliance Summer Conservation/Preservation Project.

Harvard University Partnership
Harvard University has connected with the AUC Woodruff Library (GA) regarding a partnership to increase access to HBCU archives and special collections. Suggestions included: Creating regional hubs to help with digitization efforts, funding a traveling archivist to work from the hubs, merging the HBCU Library Alliance's original digital preservation plan within the Harvard partnership, forming a committee to manage the partnership, and exploring a cooperative agreement with NEH and using the Library of Congress as an archive preservation host.

One of the key takeaways from November's exploratory meeting was that HBCU libraries would be able to participate in a sustainable, inclusive network of experts and resources. This could potentially include: (1) professional development, exchanges, and communities of practice to expand expertise in archival processing, metadata schema, conservation treatment, and digitization of archives and special collections pertaining to African American history; (2) services supporting processing and digitization; and (3) distributed technical infrastructure supporting discovery across all collections as well as promotion of each institution's collections.

Update: Harvard has confirmed that they have acquired dedicated funds to devote to the next phase of the HBCU digital library project.

The HBCU Library Alliance has undergone growth this year compared to the last year. Some specific indicators of growth include Total Cash being up $509k and Total Revenue being up $33k. The HBCU Library Alliance experienced a large cash increase in FY22 due to the receipt of $565K of the $1M Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Change Capital grant. The final payment of $435K was received in November 2022.

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation $1M Change Capital Award

Change Capital grant activities continue, primarily in the hiring of staff. Amber Haywood has accepted the part-time contracted position of Grant Writer with contract negotiations underway. Amber has extensive grant writing and fundraising expertise having worked as a Development Consultant, Senior Grants & Development Associate, and a Development Director. She has also served as a frontline fundraiser for Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, creating the organization's first Corporate Giving Policy and driving donor acquisition to cultivate and secure in excess of $90 million in institutional gifts.

Update: A contract has been executed with Amber Haywood to raise the remaining $204,500 of matching funds needed to complete the NEH Challenge Grant-funded "Building Capacity-HBCU" project. Amber has submitted a three-year development plan to raise the matching funds.

The Development Officer position description is in draft format. This $75K position will be responsible for planning and implementation of fundraising strategies, identification of new revenue sources, and the solicitation of funds through grants, corporate giving, individual giving, and special events.

Digital Public Humanities Certificate
The HBCU Library Alliance is the recipient of two scholarships for the George Mason University's 15-credit-hour Digital Public Humanities certificate. All courses are delivered asynchronously. The scholarships will pay tuition costs and provide a paid virtual internship with the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC).

Thanks are due to Mills Kelly, Director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and Professor of History at George Mason University (VA) for the two scholarships. Mills was a cohort member with the HBCU Library Alliance during the three-year Non-Profit Finance Fund Building Financial Resilience project.

Update: We are awaiting additional information from George Mason University regarding the application process before posting a formal announcement to the membership. The application finish-line is May 1, 2023.

Material Memory Season Three - The HBCU Library Alliance Tour - CLIR has confirmed a second podcast series for HBCU libraries, the date has not yet been confirmed.

CLIR/DLF Authenticity Project
The Authenticity Project is an IMLS-funded mentoring and professional development program for early- to mid-career HBCU library staff. Fellows received full travel, lodging, and registration expenses for the DLF Forum and Learn@DLF workshop held October 9-12, 2022, in Baltimore, MD.

Update: DLF is hosting a closing plenary on May 6th. Colleagues Ida Jones, Morgan State University (MD), Ashley Preston, Howard University (DC), Martina Dodd, AUC Woodruff Library (GA) and Phyllis Earles, Prairie View A&M University (TX) are serving on the planning team.

HBCU Library Alliance/Brown University Pilot Leadership Project
The Stronger Together, Excellence in Library Leadership Program is the first leadership program to intentionally unite emerging library leaders from two distinct communities of practice, HBCUs and Brown University. Brown University participants exchanged at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) while HBCU colleagues exchanged at Brown University. Monthly webinars are currently in progress. A closing session will be hosted at Brown University in June 2023.

Update: June 7-9 or June 14-16 are suggested dates for the closing session.

2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Project

The HBCU Library Alliance Conservation/Preservation Internship Program, in partnership with the University of Delaware, has successfully impacted student success since 2018!  Several interns are now pursuing a career interest in librarianship or library-related positions. Thanks to Board colleagues Tina Rollins, Hampton University (VA) and Adrienne Webber, Grambling University (LA) for referring students.

Laura Miller, Yale Conservation/Preservation Host Site Mentor, reached out about an opportunity to present at the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) meeting in May 2023 in Jacksonville, Florida. AIC is the leading membership association for current and aspiring conservators and allied professionals who preserve cultural heritage. Two interns, Laura and I will present on the Internship Project. The meeting theme is Conservation in the Age of Environmental, Social and Economic Climate Change.

Update: 2021 Summer Intern Payton Murray, a Hampton University (VA) graduate, is the confirmed intern for the AIC panel.

The sixth round of applications for the 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation project posted to the listserv on January 20th and was shared on our social media platforms. Your assistance is requested to encourage, identify and assist interested undergraduates to apply. Nine undergraduate interns will be selected for the project.

Membership and Committees
There was discussion on continued activities to return all institutions to HBCU Library Alliance membership, revising Bylaws as well as engaging the membership to serve on committees.

Contact me directly if you have questions or need additional information.


Sandra Phoenix
Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliance
Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101
Mobile: (404) 702-5854
Web: hbculibraries.org
Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come.
[cid:image001.gif@01D941E1.70001180]    [cid:image002.gif@01D941E1.70001180]  [cid:image003.png@01D941E1.70001180]  [cid:image004.gif@01D941E1.70001180]

Register for the February 21, 2023 Let's Talk Session: Let's Talk Registration Form

Follow this link 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Internship Program for more information and to apply. The application finish-line is March 23, 2023.

Greetings Colleagues, I trust you're well and practicing self-care. See Board highlights and updates below. The Board of Directors met on Tuesday, December 6th. HBCU Library Alliance Membership Business Meeting The Board discussed a meeting of HBCU Library Alliance members focused specifically on the business and operations of the organization. A meeting will be scheduled this summer. Update: Hampton University is the host site for the meeting. Thanks to Tina Rollins for welcoming the HBCU Library Alliance to Hampton. To enable greater participation, there will not be a registration fee for the meeting. Member input will inform agenda items and discussion topics. The meeting format will be two-half-days, with one night of hotel lodging. Stay tuned for more information. New Board Appointment Melissa Tedone, Lab Head for Library Materials Conservation, Affiliated Associate Professor Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library (DE) was welcomed as an appointed Board Member. Melissa is Project PI for the HBCU Library Alliance Summer Conservation/Preservation Project. Harvard University Partnership Harvard University has connected with the AUC Woodruff Library (GA) regarding a partnership to increase access to HBCU archives and special collections. Suggestions included: Creating regional hubs to help with digitization efforts, funding a traveling archivist to work from the hubs, merging the HBCU Library Alliance's original digital preservation plan within the Harvard partnership, forming a committee to manage the partnership, and exploring a cooperative agreement with NEH and using the Library of Congress as an archive preservation host. One of the key takeaways from November's exploratory meeting was that HBCU libraries would be able to participate in a sustainable, inclusive network of experts and resources. This could potentially include: (1) professional development, exchanges, and communities of practice to expand expertise in archival processing, metadata schema, conservation treatment, and digitization of archives and special collections pertaining to African American history; (2) services supporting processing and digitization; and (3) distributed technical infrastructure supporting discovery across all collections as well as promotion of each institution's collections. Update: Harvard has confirmed that they have acquired dedicated funds to devote to the next phase of the HBCU digital library project. Financials The HBCU Library Alliance has undergone growth this year compared to the last year. Some specific indicators of growth include Total Cash being up $509k and Total Revenue being up $33k. The HBCU Library Alliance experienced a large cash increase in FY22 due to the receipt of $565K of the $1M Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Change Capital grant. The final payment of $435K was received in November 2022. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation $1M Change Capital Award Change Capital grant activities continue, primarily in the hiring of staff. Amber Haywood has accepted the part-time contracted position of Grant Writer with contract negotiations underway. Amber has extensive grant writing and fundraising expertise having worked as a Development Consultant, Senior Grants & Development Associate, and a Development Director. She has also served as a frontline fundraiser for Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, creating the organization's first Corporate Giving Policy and driving donor acquisition to cultivate and secure in excess of $90 million in institutional gifts. Update: A contract has been executed with Amber Haywood to raise the remaining $204,500 of matching funds needed to complete the NEH Challenge Grant-funded "Building Capacity-HBCU" project. Amber has submitted a three-year development plan to raise the matching funds. The Development Officer position description is in draft format. This $75K position will be responsible for planning and implementation of fundraising strategies, identification of new revenue sources, and the solicitation of funds through grants, corporate giving, individual giving, and special events. Digital Public Humanities Certificate The HBCU Library Alliance is the recipient of two scholarships for the George Mason University's 15-credit-hour Digital Public Humanities<> certificate. All courses are delivered asynchronously. The scholarships will pay tuition costs and provide a paid virtual internship with the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC). Thanks are due to Mills Kelly, Director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and Professor of History at George Mason University (VA) for the two scholarships. Mills was a cohort member with the HBCU Library Alliance during the three-year Non-Profit Finance Fund Building Financial Resilience project. Update: We are awaiting additional information from George Mason University regarding the application process before posting a formal announcement to the membership. The application finish-line is May 1, 2023. CLIR Material Memory Season Three - The HBCU Library Alliance Tour<> - CLIR has confirmed a second podcast series for HBCU libraries, the date has not yet been confirmed. CLIR/DLF Authenticity Project The Authenticity Project is an IMLS-funded mentoring and professional development program for early- to mid-career HBCU library staff. Fellows received full travel, lodging, and registration expenses for the DLF Forum and Learn@DLF workshop<>s held October 9-12, 2022, in Baltimore, MD. Update: DLF is hosting a closing plenary on May 6th. Colleagues Ida Jones, Morgan State University (MD), Ashley Preston, Howard University (DC), Martina Dodd, AUC Woodruff Library (GA) and Phyllis Earles, Prairie View A&M University (TX) are serving on the planning team. HBCU Library Alliance/Brown University Pilot Leadership Project The Stronger Together, Excellence in Library Leadership Program is the first leadership program to intentionally unite emerging library leaders from two distinct communities of practice, HBCUs and Brown University. Brown University participants exchanged at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) while HBCU colleagues exchanged at Brown University. Monthly webinars are currently in progress. A closing session will be hosted at Brown University in June 2023. Update: June 7-9 or June 14-16 are suggested dates for the closing session. 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Project The HBCU Library Alliance Conservation/Preservation Internship Program, in partnership with the University of Delaware, has successfully impacted student success since 2018! Several interns are now pursuing a career interest in librarianship or library-related positions. Thanks to Board colleagues Tina Rollins, Hampton University (VA) and Adrienne Webber, Grambling University (LA) for referring students. Laura Miller, Yale Conservation/Preservation Host Site Mentor, reached out about an opportunity to present at the American Institute for Conservation<> (AIC) meeting in May 2023 in Jacksonville, Florida. AIC is the leading membership association for current and aspiring conservators and allied professionals who preserve cultural heritage. Two interns, Laura and I will present on the Internship Project. The meeting theme is Conservation in the Age of Environmental, Social and Economic Climate Change. Update: 2021 Summer Intern Payton Murray, a Hampton University (VA) graduate, is the confirmed intern for the AIC panel. The sixth round of applications<> for the 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation project posted to the listserv on January 20th and was shared on our social media platforms. Your assistance is requested to encourage, identify and assist interested undergraduates to apply. Nine undergraduate interns will be selected for the project. Membership and Committees There was discussion on continued activities to return all institutions to HBCU Library Alliance membership, revising Bylaws as well as engaging the membership to serve on committees. Contact me directly if you have questions or need additional information. Respectfully, Sandra Sandra Phoenix Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliance<> Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101 Mobile: (404) 702-5854 Web:<> Email:<> Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come. [cid:image001.gif@01D941E1.70001180] <> [cid:image002.gif@01D941E1.70001180] <> [cid:image003.png@01D941E1.70001180] <> [cid:image004.gif@01D941E1.70001180] <> Register for the February 21, 2023 Let's Talk Session: Let's Talk Registration Form<> SUMMER CONSERVATION/PRESERVATION PROGRAM Follow this link 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Internship Program<> for more information and to apply. The application finish-line is March 23, 2023.
Loretta Parham
Thu, Feb 16, 2023 3:42 PM

Good morning:

Much appreciation to the HBCULA Board and our Executive Director (Sandra Phoenix) for providing this message with highlights and updates about governance and program activities!  I look forward to the summer meeting.

Loretta Parham, CEO & Director
Atlanta University Center Woodruff Library

We will always provide service that exceeds the customer's expectation...Because We Care!

From: Sandra Phoenix []
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 9:20 AM
Subject: Board Meeting Highlights and Updates

Greetings Colleagues,

I trust you're well and practicing self-care. See Board highlights and updates below.

The Board of Directors met on Tuesday, December 6th.

HBCU Library Alliance Membership Business Meeting
The Board discussed a meeting of HBCU Library Alliance members focused specifically on the business and operations of the organization. A meeting will be scheduled this summer.

Update: Hampton University is the host site for the meeting. Thanks to Tina Rollins for welcoming the HBCU Library Alliance to Hampton. To enable greater participation, there will not be a registration fee for the meeting. Member input will inform agenda items and discussion topics. The meeting format will be two-half-days, with one night of hotel lodging. Stay tuned for more information.

New Board Appointment
Melissa Tedone, Lab Head for Library Materials Conservation, Affiliated Associate Professor Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library (DE) was welcomed as an appointed Board Member. Melissa is Project PI for the HBCU Library Alliance Summer Conservation/Preservation Project.

Harvard University Partnership
Harvard University has connected with the AUC Woodruff Library (GA) regarding a partnership to increase access to HBCU archives and special collections. Suggestions included: Creating regional hubs to help with digitization efforts, funding a traveling archivist to work from the hubs, merging the HBCU Library Alliance's original digital preservation plan within the Harvard partnership, forming a committee to manage the partnership, and exploring a cooperative agreement with NEH and using the Library of Congress as an archive preservation host.

One of the key takeaways from November's exploratory meeting was that HBCU libraries would be able to participate in a sustainable, inclusive network of experts and resources. This could potentially include: (1) professional development, exchanges, and communities of practice to expand expertise in archival processing, metadata schema, conservation treatment, and digitization of archives and special collections pertaining to African American history; (2) services supporting processing and digitization; and (3) distributed technical infrastructure supporting discovery across all collections as well as promotion of each institution's collections.

Update: Harvard has confirmed that they have acquired dedicated funds to devote to the next phase of the HBCU digital library project.

The HBCU Library Alliance has undergone growth this year compared to the last year. Some specific indicators of growth include Total Cash being up $509k and Total Revenue being up $33k. The HBCU Library Alliance experienced a large cash increase in FY22 due to the receipt of $565K of the $1M Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Change Capital grant. The final payment of $435K was received in November 2022.

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation $1M Change Capital Award

Change Capital grant activities continue, primarily in the hiring of staff. Amber Haywood has accepted the part-time contracted position of Grant Writer with contract negotiations underway. Amber has extensive grant writing and fundraising expertise having worked as a Development Consultant, Senior Grants & Development Associate, and a Development Director. She has also served as a frontline fundraiser for Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, creating the organization's first Corporate Giving Policy and driving donor acquisition to cultivate and secure in excess of $90 million in institutional gifts.

Update: A contract has been executed with Amber Haywood to raise the remaining $204,500 of matching funds needed to complete the NEH Challenge Grant-funded "Building Capacity-HBCU" project. Amber has submitted a three-year development plan to raise the matching funds.

The Development Officer position description is in draft format. This $75K position will be responsible for planning and implementation of fundraising strategies, identification of new revenue sources, and the solicitation of funds through grants, corporate giving, individual giving, and special events.

Digital Public Humanities Certificate
The HBCU Library Alliance is the recipient of two scholarships for the George Mason University's 15-credit-hour Digital Public Humanities certificate. All courses are delivered asynchronously. The scholarships will pay tuition costs and provide a paid virtual internship with the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC).

Thanks are due to Mills Kelly, Director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and Professor of History at George Mason University (VA) for the two scholarships. Mills was a cohort member with the HBCU Library Alliance during the three-year Non-Profit Finance Fund Building Financial Resilience project.

Update: We are awaiting additional information from George Mason University regarding the application process before posting a formal announcement to the membership. The application finish-line is May 1, 2023.

Material Memory Season Three - The HBCU Library Alliance Tour - CLIR has confirmed a second podcast series for HBCU libraries, the date has not yet been confirmed.

CLIR/DLF Authenticity Project
The Authenticity Project is an IMLS-funded mentoring and professional development program for early- to mid-career HBCU library staff. Fellows received full travel, lodging, and registration expenses for the DLF Forum and Learn@DLF workshop held October 9-12, 2022, in Baltimore, MD.

Update: DLF is hosting a closing plenary on May 6th. Colleagues Ida Jones, Morgan State University (MD), Ashley Preston, Howard University (DC), Martina Dodd, AUC Woodruff Library (GA) and Phyllis Earles, Prairie View A&M University (TX) are serving on the planning team.

HBCU Library Alliance/Brown University Pilot Leadership Project
The Stronger Together, Excellence in Library Leadership Program is the first leadership program to intentionally unite emerging library leaders from two distinct communities of practice, HBCUs and Brown University. Brown University participants exchanged at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) while HBCU colleagues exchanged at Brown University. Monthly webinars are currently in progress. A closing session will be hosted at Brown University in June 2023.

Update: June 7-9 or June 14-16 are suggested dates for the closing session.

2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Project

The HBCU Library Alliance Conservation/Preservation Internship Program, in partnership with the University of Delaware, has successfully impacted student success since 2018!  Several interns are now pursuing a career interest in librarianship or library-related positions. Thanks to Board colleagues Tina Rollins, Hampton University (VA) and Adrienne Webber, Grambling University (LA) for referring students.

Laura Miller, Yale Conservation/Preservation Host Site Mentor, reached out about an opportunity to present at the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) meeting in May 2023 in Jacksonville, Florida. AIC is the leading membership association for current and aspiring conservators and allied professionals who preserve cultural heritage. Two interns, Laura and I will present on the Internship Project. The meeting theme is Conservation in the Age of Environmental, Social and Economic Climate Change.

Update: 2021 Summer Intern Payton Murray, a Hampton University (VA) graduate, is the confirmed intern for the AIC panel.

The sixth round of applications for the 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation project posted to the listserv on January 20th and was shared on our social media platforms. Your assistance is requested to encourage, identify and assist interested undergraduates to apply. Nine undergraduate interns will be selected for the project.

Membership and Committees
There was discussion on continued activities to return all institutions to HBCU Library Alliance membership, revising Bylaws as well as engaging the membership to serve on committees.

Contact me directly if you have questions or need additional information.


Sandra Phoenix
Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliance
Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101
Mobile: (404) 702-5854
Web: hbculibraries.org
Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come.
[cid:image005.jpg@01D941F3.625ED220]    [cid:image007.jpg@01D941F3.625ED220]  [cid:image009.png@01D941F3.625ED220]  [cid:image011.jpg@01D941F3.625ED220]

Register for the February 21, 2023 Let's Talk Session: Let's Talk Registration Form

Follow this link 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Internship Program for more information and to apply. The application finish-line is March 23, 2023.

Good morning: Much appreciation to the HBCULA Board and our Executive Director (Sandra Phoenix) for providing this message with highlights and updates about governance and program activities! I look forward to the summer meeting. Loretta Parham, CEO & Director Atlanta University Center Woodruff Library We will always provide service that exceeds the customer's expectation...Because We Care! From: Sandra Phoenix [] Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 9:20 AM To: Cc: Subject: Board Meeting Highlights and Updates Greetings Colleagues, I trust you're well and practicing self-care. See Board highlights and updates below. The Board of Directors met on Tuesday, December 6th. HBCU Library Alliance Membership Business Meeting The Board discussed a meeting of HBCU Library Alliance members focused specifically on the business and operations of the organization. A meeting will be scheduled this summer. Update: Hampton University is the host site for the meeting. Thanks to Tina Rollins for welcoming the HBCU Library Alliance to Hampton. To enable greater participation, there will not be a registration fee for the meeting. Member input will inform agenda items and discussion topics. The meeting format will be two-half-days, with one night of hotel lodging. Stay tuned for more information. New Board Appointment Melissa Tedone, Lab Head for Library Materials Conservation, Affiliated Associate Professor Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library (DE) was welcomed as an appointed Board Member. Melissa is Project PI for the HBCU Library Alliance Summer Conservation/Preservation Project. Harvard University Partnership Harvard University has connected with the AUC Woodruff Library (GA) regarding a partnership to increase access to HBCU archives and special collections. Suggestions included: Creating regional hubs to help with digitization efforts, funding a traveling archivist to work from the hubs, merging the HBCU Library Alliance's original digital preservation plan within the Harvard partnership, forming a committee to manage the partnership, and exploring a cooperative agreement with NEH and using the Library of Congress as an archive preservation host. One of the key takeaways from November's exploratory meeting was that HBCU libraries would be able to participate in a sustainable, inclusive network of experts and resources. This could potentially include: (1) professional development, exchanges, and communities of practice to expand expertise in archival processing, metadata schema, conservation treatment, and digitization of archives and special collections pertaining to African American history; (2) services supporting processing and digitization; and (3) distributed technical infrastructure supporting discovery across all collections as well as promotion of each institution's collections. Update: Harvard has confirmed that they have acquired dedicated funds to devote to the next phase of the HBCU digital library project. Financials The HBCU Library Alliance has undergone growth this year compared to the last year. Some specific indicators of growth include Total Cash being up $509k and Total Revenue being up $33k. The HBCU Library Alliance experienced a large cash increase in FY22 due to the receipt of $565K of the $1M Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Change Capital grant. The final payment of $435K was received in November 2022. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation $1M Change Capital Award Change Capital grant activities continue, primarily in the hiring of staff. Amber Haywood has accepted the part-time contracted position of Grant Writer with contract negotiations underway. Amber has extensive grant writing and fundraising expertise having worked as a Development Consultant, Senior Grants & Development Associate, and a Development Director. She has also served as a frontline fundraiser for Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, creating the organization's first Corporate Giving Policy and driving donor acquisition to cultivate and secure in excess of $90 million in institutional gifts. Update: A contract has been executed with Amber Haywood to raise the remaining $204,500 of matching funds needed to complete the NEH Challenge Grant-funded "Building Capacity-HBCU" project. Amber has submitted a three-year development plan to raise the matching funds. The Development Officer position description is in draft format. This $75K position will be responsible for planning and implementation of fundraising strategies, identification of new revenue sources, and the solicitation of funds through grants, corporate giving, individual giving, and special events. Digital Public Humanities Certificate The HBCU Library Alliance is the recipient of two scholarships for the George Mason University's 15-credit-hour Digital Public Humanities<> certificate. All courses are delivered asynchronously. The scholarships will pay tuition costs and provide a paid virtual internship with the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC). Thanks are due to Mills Kelly, Director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and Professor of History at George Mason University (VA) for the two scholarships. Mills was a cohort member with the HBCU Library Alliance during the three-year Non-Profit Finance Fund Building Financial Resilience project. Update: We are awaiting additional information from George Mason University regarding the application process before posting a formal announcement to the membership. The application finish-line is May 1, 2023. CLIR Material Memory Season Three - The HBCU Library Alliance Tour<> - CLIR has confirmed a second podcast series for HBCU libraries, the date has not yet been confirmed. CLIR/DLF Authenticity Project The Authenticity Project is an IMLS-funded mentoring and professional development program for early- to mid-career HBCU library staff. Fellows received full travel, lodging, and registration expenses for the DLF Forum and Learn@DLF workshop<>s held October 9-12, 2022, in Baltimore, MD. Update: DLF is hosting a closing plenary on May 6th. Colleagues Ida Jones, Morgan State University (MD), Ashley Preston, Howard University (DC), Martina Dodd, AUC Woodruff Library (GA) and Phyllis Earles, Prairie View A&M University (TX) are serving on the planning team. HBCU Library Alliance/Brown University Pilot Leadership Project The Stronger Together, Excellence in Library Leadership Program is the first leadership program to intentionally unite emerging library leaders from two distinct communities of practice, HBCUs and Brown University. Brown University participants exchanged at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) while HBCU colleagues exchanged at Brown University. Monthly webinars are currently in progress. A closing session will be hosted at Brown University in June 2023. Update: June 7-9 or June 14-16 are suggested dates for the closing session. 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Project The HBCU Library Alliance Conservation/Preservation Internship Program, in partnership with the University of Delaware, has successfully impacted student success since 2018! Several interns are now pursuing a career interest in librarianship or library-related positions. Thanks to Board colleagues Tina Rollins, Hampton University (VA) and Adrienne Webber, Grambling University (LA) for referring students. Laura Miller, Yale Conservation/Preservation Host Site Mentor, reached out about an opportunity to present at the American Institute for Conservation<> (AIC) meeting in May 2023 in Jacksonville, Florida. AIC is the leading membership association for current and aspiring conservators and allied professionals who preserve cultural heritage. Two interns, Laura and I will present on the Internship Project. The meeting theme is Conservation in the Age of Environmental, Social and Economic Climate Change. Update: 2021 Summer Intern Payton Murray, a Hampton University (VA) graduate, is the confirmed intern for the AIC panel. The sixth round of applications<> for the 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation project posted to the listserv on January 20th and was shared on our social media platforms. Your assistance is requested to encourage, identify and assist interested undergraduates to apply. Nine undergraduate interns will be selected for the project. Membership and Committees There was discussion on continued activities to return all institutions to HBCU Library Alliance membership, revising Bylaws as well as engaging the membership to serve on committees. Contact me directly if you have questions or need additional information. Respectfully, Sandra Sandra Phoenix Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliance<> Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101 Mobile: (404) 702-5854 Web:<> Email:<> Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come. [cid:image005.jpg@01D941F3.625ED220] <> [cid:image007.jpg@01D941F3.625ED220] <> [cid:image009.png@01D941F3.625ED220] <> [cid:image011.jpg@01D941F3.625ED220] <> Register for the February 21, 2023 Let's Talk Session: Let's Talk Registration Form<> SUMMER CONSERVATION/PRESERVATION PROGRAM Follow this link 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Internship Program<> for more information and to apply. The application finish-line is March 23, 2023.