Shape the Future of the HBCU Library Alliance: 2023 Membership Survey

ShaneƩ Yvette Willis
Thu, Jul 20, 2023 5:30 PM

Dear HBCU Library Alliance Members,

I hope this message finds you well! As we continue our commitment to fostering strong partnerships and enhancing member experiences, we are eager to hear your valuable insights and feedback. We have designed a brief Member Engagement Survey to gather your perspectives on our collaborative efforts, the services we provide, and how we can better support your goals.

Your input is crucial to shaping future initiatives and ensuring they align with your needs. We kindly request your completion of the survey by August 2.

As a token of appreciation, you'll be entered into a gift card raffle. Don't miss the chance to win and have your voice heard! Take the survey here

Thank you in advance for your time and dedication to making the HBCU Library Alliance a thriving community. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Warm Regards,

Dear HBCU Library Alliance Members, I hope this message finds you well! As we continue our commitment to fostering strong partnerships and enhancing member experiences, we are eager to hear your valuable insights and feedback. We have designed a brief Member Engagement Survey to gather your perspectives on our collaborative efforts, the services we provide, and how we can better support your goals. Your input is crucial to shaping future initiatives and ensuring they align with your needs. We kindly request your completion of the survey by August 2. As a token of appreciation, you'll be entered into a gift card raffle. Don't miss the chance to win and have your voice heard! Take the survey here<> Thank you in advance for your time and dedication to making the HBCU Library Alliance a thriving community. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly. Warm Regards,