Announcement: Invitation to participate in Archiving the Black Web Research

LaTasha Denard
Wed, Sep 18, 2024 3:38 PM

Greetings Colleagues,

Holly Smith, College Archivist, Spelman College (GA), forwards the following announcement. Share broadly with your network.


Dear Black Memory Workers,

Archiving the Black Web (ATBW) is conducting a survey, focus groups and interviews with Black memory workers and memory workers at Black collecting institutions to better understand web archiving practices and the current state of web archive collections. In our current efforts to provide web archive training to archivists and memory workers documenting Black experiences, to support the development of web archiving programs at Black collecting institutions, and to grow the number of Black web archive collections available for research, community activation, and other forms of engagement, this survey will help us to better understand the experiences, needs, and gaps in the preservation, study of, and engagement with content documenting the Black experience online. There are two ways to engage with us in this research:

Interview and Focus Groups
We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences with us by participating in a short interview or focus group (30-60 minutes). If you are interested, please complete this form and our researcher, Dr. Anthony Jerry will follow up with you to schedule a time that works for you. We are happy to compensate you for your time by offering a $50 incentive.

We would like to know about the experiences of those who labor to document Black life and history as it relates to web archiving — even including those who have no experience with web archiving. This survey will ask you about you or your organization’s web archiving collections and practices, interest in web archiving, knowledge of web archiving tools, and you or your organization’s interest in participating in a web archiving training program centering the Black experience online. This survey should take about 15-20 minutes to complete. Survey link:

Feel free to share this message with others in your networks who may wish to participate. The survey will be open until September 30.

We look forward to learning more about your experiences!

Zakiya, Bergis, & Makiba
Archiving the Black Web

Zakiya Collier (she/they)
Archivist & Memory Worker

Holly A. Smith
(My Pronouns: She, Her, Hers)
College Archivist
Women's Research & Resource Center
Spelman College
350 Spelman Ln, S.W., Box 321
Atlanta, GA 30314-4399
Direct: 404-270-5533
Fax: 404-270-5980

Greetings Colleagues, Holly Smith, College Archivist, Spelman College (GA), forwards the following announcement. Share broadly with your network. LaTasha Dear Black Memory Workers, Archiving the Black Web (ATBW)<> is conducting a survey, focus groups and interviews with Black memory workers and memory workers at Black collecting institutions to better understand web archiving practices and the current state of web archive collections. In our current efforts to provide web archive training to archivists and memory workers documenting Black experiences, to support the development of web archiving programs at Black collecting institutions, and to grow the number of Black web archive collections available for research, community activation, and other forms of engagement, this survey will help us to better understand the experiences, needs, and gaps in the preservation, study of, and engagement with content documenting the Black experience online. There are two ways to engage with us in this research: Interview and Focus Groups We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences with us by participating in a short interview or focus group (30-60 minutes). If you are interested, please complete this form<> and our researcher, Dr. Anthony Jerry will follow up with you to schedule a time that works for you. We are happy to compensate you for your time by offering a $50 incentive. Survey We would like to know about the experiences of those who labor to document Black life and history as it relates to web archiving — even including those who have no experience with web archiving. This survey will ask you about you or your organization’s web archiving collections and practices, interest in web archiving, knowledge of web archiving tools, and you or your organization’s interest in participating in a web archiving training program centering the Black experience online. This survey should take about 15-20 minutes to complete. Survey link: Feel free to share this message with others in your networks who may wish to participate. The survey will be open until September 30. We look forward to learning more about your experiences! Sincerely, Zakiya, Bergis, & Makiba Archiving the Black Web -- Zakiya Collier (she/they) Archivist & Memory Worker<> 917.648.4061 Holly A. Smith (My Pronouns: She, Her, Hers) College Archivist Women's Research & Resource Center Spelman College 350 Spelman Ln, S.W., Box 321 Atlanta, GA 30314-4399 Direct: 404-270-5533 Fax: 404-270-5980<>