FW: Lincoln University Reports Freshman Enrollment Increase

Sandra Phoenix
Mon, Sep 15, 2014 12:32 PM

From: Young, Misty [mailto:YoungM@lincolnu.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 11:58 AM
Subject: Lincoln University Reports Freshman Enrollment Increase



(573) 681-6032

September 9, 2014


Jefferson City, MO- An increased number of first-time college students are attending Lincoln University. Preliminary numbers indicate the freshman enrollment for the Fall 2014 semester increased 26% over the previous year from 424 students in 2013 to 536 students in 2014.  The university says improved recruitment efforts led to the positive enrollment numbers.

"The faculty, staff, students and alumni have been instrumental in this increase," says Dr. Kevin D. Rome, President of Lincoln University.  "In the past year we have purchased new recruitment software that has helped us to identify those students who are willing to commit to earning a Lincoln University education.  This software, in combination with other efforts including the development of Blue Tiger Day Open Houses and traditional recruiting trips, has put us where we are today with an increased freshman enrollment.  We will continue to build on and multiply this progress in the future."

Rome adds that after a student enrolls as a freshman, the entire university has an interest in seeing them graduate. "Recruitment is just one facet of the enrollment process.  Every person who works at Lincoln University must also take an interest in the retention of students from the beginning of their academic career through Commencement."

The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment will release the full Fall 2014 enrollment figures in October.  The total enrollment figure for Fall 2013 was 3,043 students.  Early reports show an increase of approximately 1,450 credit hours, which indicates the student body registered for more classes this fall.

Misty Young
Director, Office of University Relations

From: Young, Misty [mailto:YoungM@lincolnu.edu] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 11:58 AM Subject: Lincoln University Reports Freshman Enrollment Increase FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT MISTY YOUNG (573) 681-6032 September 9, 2014 LINCOLN UNIVERSITY REPORTS FRESHMAN ENROLLMENT INCREASE Jefferson City, MO- An increased number of first-time college students are attending Lincoln University. Preliminary numbers indicate the freshman enrollment for the Fall 2014 semester increased 26% over the previous year from 424 students in 2013 to 536 students in 2014. The university says improved recruitment efforts led to the positive enrollment numbers. "The faculty, staff, students and alumni have been instrumental in this increase," says Dr. Kevin D. Rome, President of Lincoln University. "In the past year we have purchased new recruitment software that has helped us to identify those students who are willing to commit to earning a Lincoln University education. This software, in combination with other efforts including the development of Blue Tiger Day Open Houses and traditional recruiting trips, has put us where we are today with an increased freshman enrollment. We will continue to build on and multiply this progress in the future." Rome adds that after a student enrolls as a freshman, the entire university has an interest in seeing them graduate. "Recruitment is just one facet of the enrollment process. Every person who works at Lincoln University must also take an interest in the retention of students from the beginning of their academic career through Commencement." The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment will release the full Fall 2014 enrollment figures in October. The total enrollment figure for Fall 2013 was 3,043 students. Early reports show an increase of approximately 1,450 credit hours, which indicates the student body registered for more classes this fall. ### Misty Young Director, Office of University Relations 573-681-5580 www.lincolnu.edu<http://www.lincolnu.edu/>