Trenholm State Community College Announces New Healthcare Instructional Site

LaTasha Denard
Tue, Apr 25, 2023 1:34 PM

Trenholm State Community College News
April 12, 2023

Trenholm State Community College has purchased the Blount Property, located in Executive Park on Eastern Boulevard. This property will be Trenholm State's 3rd Major Instructional Site; which will become the Healthcare Training Facility and will house all Health Sciences programs that Trenholm State offers.

This move allows the Health Sciences program to grow and be in a centralized location for healthcare partners. Currently Trenholm State has the largest number of collegiate healthcare programs that are offered in the River Region, with 14 Health Sciences programs and looking to expand to 4 additional Health Sciences programs within the next year.

Expanding the Health Sciences program offerings to the new site provides space on the Trenholm Campus to develop a Workforce Development Training Center to serve the citizens of West Montgomery with targeted program offerings that lead directly to the workforce.

Dr. Kemba Chambers, President of Trenholm State Community College said, "The addition of this new Healthcare Training Site will allow the College to fulfill the River Region's immediate healthcare shortage and provide health resources for our community. Additionally, it provides Trenholm State to advance its relationships and partnerships with our healthcare industries. Baptist Health, Jackson Hospital, and the Nursing Home Association are eagerly excited about our new training site and helping provide the workforce to the healthcare industries."

With this building purchase and upcoming renovations, Trenholm Sate is aiding in the economic development and renovation of the Eastern Boulevard.

LaTasha Denard
Executive Assistant at HBCU Library Alliance
Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 102
Web: hbculibraries.org
Email: ldenard@hbculibraries.org
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Sandra Phoenix
Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliance
Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101
Mobile: (404) 702-5854
Web: hbculibraries.org
Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come.
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Trenholm State Community College News April 12, 2023 Trenholm State Community College has purchased the Blount Property, located in Executive Park on Eastern Boulevard. This property will be Trenholm State's 3rd Major Instructional Site; which will become the Healthcare Training Facility and will house all Health Sciences programs that Trenholm State offers. This move allows the Health Sciences program to grow and be in a centralized location for healthcare partners. Currently Trenholm State has the largest number of collegiate healthcare programs that are offered in the River Region, with 14 Health Sciences programs and looking to expand to 4 additional Health Sciences programs within the next year. Expanding the Health Sciences program offerings to the new site provides space on the Trenholm Campus to develop a Workforce Development Training Center to serve the citizens of West Montgomery with targeted program offerings that lead directly to the workforce. Dr. Kemba Chambers, President of Trenholm State Community College said, "The addition of this new Healthcare Training Site will allow the College to fulfill the River Region's immediate healthcare shortage and provide health resources for our community. Additionally, it provides Trenholm State to advance its relationships and partnerships with our healthcare industries. Baptist Health, Jackson Hospital, and the Nursing Home Association are eagerly excited about our new training site and helping provide the workforce to the healthcare industries." With this building purchase and upcoming renovations, Trenholm Sate is aiding in the economic development and renovation of the Eastern Boulevard. LaTasha Denard Executive Assistant at HBCU Library Alliance<> Phone: (678) 210-5801 ext. 102 Web:<> Email:<> Follow us on our social media: [cid:image001.png@01D976CB.B96D3180] [cid:image002.png@01D976CB.B96D3180] [cid:image003.png@01D976CB.B96D3180] [cid:image004.png@01D976CB.B96D3180] Sandra Phoenix Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliance<> Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101 Mobile: (404) 702-5854 Web:<> Email:<> Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come. [cid:image005.gif@01D976CB.B96D3180]<> [cid:image006.gif@01D976CB.B96D3180] <> [cid:image007.png@01D976CB.B96D3180] <> [cid:image008.gif@01D976CB.B96D3180] <>