Message from Holly Smith, Spelman College: Invitation to participate in survey

Sandra Phoenix
Mon, Feb 20, 2023 2:40 PM

Friends and colleagues,

I hope this message finds you all doing well. I am serving as a committee member on grant project with other Black librarians and archivists focused on better understanding perceptions of the library field, and the ways in which the field can be co-created to make it more inviting to Black students and students of color overall. You can learn more about the project here:

To begin this project, we are inviting students and library staff from HBCUs to participate in this brief survey.  Information from this survey will be used by a graphic notetaker to help visually guide attendees to an upcoming Black archive convening.  It is our great hope that you will see the tangible action steps that come from that convening at a school near you, in the near future.  Participation in this survey will be anonymous.

We anticipate that this survey will take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.  The survey will remain open until February 28, 2023, 9pm Eastern.  You can access the survey at this link: (or you can click on the word survey in the previous sentence).

To my faculty colleagues - please feel free to share directly with your students, and colleagues at other HBCUs.

To my library colleagues - we'd greatly appreciate your participation and candor in taking the survey.

Please feel free to direct questions/concerns/technical issues to LaShaune P. Johnson, survey evaluator and facilitator, at

Thank you all so much for your continued support of Black memory work and Black memory workers!

In solidarity and with gratitude,

Holly A. Smith
(My Pronouns: She, Her, Hers)
College Archivist
Women's Research & Resource Center
Spelman College
350 Spelman Ln, S.W., Box 321
Atlanta, GA 30314-4399
Direct: 404-270-5533
Fax: 404-270-5980

Check out our digital collections!

Sandra Phoenix
Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliance
Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101
Mobile: (404) 702-5854
Web: hbculibraries.org
Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come.
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Register for the February 21, 2023 Let's Talk Session: Let's Talk Registration Form

Follow this link 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Internship Program for more information and to apply. The application finish-line is March 23, 2023.

Friends and colleagues, I hope this message finds you all doing well. I am serving as a committee member on grant project with other Black librarians and archivists focused on better understanding perceptions of the library field, and the ways in which the field can be co-created to make it more inviting to Black students and students of color overall. You can learn more about the project here: To begin this project, we are inviting students and library staff from HBCUs to participate in this brief survey. Information from this survey will be used by a graphic notetaker to help visually guide attendees to an upcoming Black archive convening. It is our great hope that you will see the tangible action steps that come from that convening at a school near you, in the near future. Participation in this survey will be anonymous. We anticipate that this survey<> will take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The survey will remain open until February 28, 2023, 9pm Eastern. You can access the survey at this link: (or you can click on the word survey in the previous sentence). To my faculty colleagues - please feel free to share directly with your students, and colleagues at other HBCUs. To my library colleagues - we'd greatly appreciate your participation and candor in taking the survey. Please feel free to direct questions/concerns/technical issues to LaShaune P. Johnson, survey evaluator and facilitator, at<>. Thank you all so much for your continued support of Black memory work and Black memory workers! In solidarity and with gratitude, Holly A. Smith (My Pronouns: She, Her, Hers) College Archivist Women's Research & Resource Center Spelman College 350 Spelman Ln, S.W., Box 321 Atlanta, GA 30314-4399 Direct: 404-270-5533 Fax: 404-270-5980<> Check out our digital collections! Sandra Phoenix Executive Director at HBCU Library Alliance<> Office: (678) 210-5801 ext. 101 Mobile: (404) 702-5854 Web:<> Email:<> Seek justice, honor the ancestors, honor the children and those yet to come. [cid:image001.gif@01D9450F.1D9F1090] <> [cid:image002.gif@01D9450F.1D9F1090] <> [cid:image003.png@01D9450F.1D9F1090] <> [cid:image004.gif@01D9450F.1D9F1090] <> Register for the February 21, 2023 Let's Talk Session: Let's Talk Registration Form<> SUMMER CONSERVATION/PRESERVATION PROGRAM Follow this link 2023 Summer Conservation/Preservation Internship Program<> for more information and to apply. The application finish-line is March 23, 2023.